I love this place more and more every day. It's really the people. I love the open interactions. I love when kids call my name across the plaza and when women I don't know run up to me to ask when the yoga classes are. I love the big laughs and deep sharing.
I spend Wednesdays in El Sitio, one of the rural communities where I teach yoga to the women in the morning then four English classes at the school. It is a blast.
Wednesday on my walk home, I was jazzed about the day. I love my students. Situations in the classroom are often difficult as many of the kids come from rough home lives but we break through those times and develop deeper relationships of trust and hope. As a result, the kids begin to believe in themselves and their study habits. Teaching is challenging, rewarding, and a blast.
After reflecting on that, I remembered that this what I DO! I teach! I'm a teacher! I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to do this every day. I learn from my students each day and am blessed by their presence. I also love my life because of the people
in my life! Below I've attached pictures of three of my classes!
Grades 2-4 |
Grades 7-8 |
Grade 9 |
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