Friday, December 2, 2011

Purpose, Goals, Objectives...

What is my purpose here?  When I arrived, my original goals were:
·      To open myself to experiences (individuals and communities) by listening, observing, and asking questions.
·      To learn, study, and practice Spanish in order to hold fluid conversations and develop deep relationships.
Of course, I will continue to strive toward these goals but the productive person in me is looking for objectives and benchmarks.  What is my role?  What am I doing?  I understand that there is profound grace in the above goals but I also know that I have much to share.

At this point, I am impatient with my Spanish ability.  I do see improvements each day but I’m also very aware of my inability to understand all.  I am conscious of the patience others hold while communicating with me.  People give me the time I need to stumble through words (or maybe just sounds and actions) in order to express myself.  I yearn to dive in, to do something substantial, to share myself. 

I grow especially frustrated when I’m fascinated in or curious about the topic or speaker.  My yoga class is already developing a sense of community and I’m thankful for each individual but when we talk before and after class, I know that I miss parts of conversations.  Sometimes the conversations are on health, sometimes spirituality, always from the individual’s life experience.  I’m extremely interested and would love to understand more fully what they are sharing.  Before facilitating a group focused on discussion (one of the hopes for my future here), I need more time to develop my language ability.  I pray for patience.

Left:  Sister Peggy created a beautiful Advent wreath for us!  Below: Our prayer space in Sister Peggy's house.  Love the colors!!!
I have hope and see improvement.  Last Sunday, I facilitated a prayer group for the volunteers, Sister Peggy, and three Salvadorian teachers who host volunteers.  Throughout our hour together, we shared in Spanish.  I love moments of grace that shine through the language obstacle.  I understood the prayers offered and felt the blessed space.  Moments like these feed my excitement for this new place and the opportunities to come.

I’m striving to develop my Spanish skills to develop such environments, to share in graceful moments, and to learn from the Salvadorians.  At the moment, I do what I can.

My goals are vast, immeasurable, and almost indefinable.  I’m more comfortable with objectives and knowing when I’ve met those objectives.  For now, maybe there is more growth in this discomfort than pushing forward to reach an objective and to do.

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