Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I never feel like I have enough time, moments, hours, even years.  There are so many people with whom I want to talk and laugh, thoughts I strive to formulate, miles I long to run, books I crave to read, grad programs I itch to join, openings on which I thirst to meditate.  Really, this is my dilemma right now.  Last year, there were vastly different tasks but still never enough time.

So often I live by the clock.  I try to finish one thing before meeting another.  Some days I feel as if I’m rushing more than I am actually listening or accomplishing.  Rushing is a waste of time! While trying to meet all my expectations, I do nothing of substance.

People whom I admire gracefully balance time.  They nurture their own talents, listen to others, and attend to surrounding needs.  They are active, engaged, productive, mindful, aware, and grateful.  They never seem rushed and always have time for spontaneous conversations and moments of beauty or despair.  Father Martin, Sister Peggy, and many others are masters at balancing time. 

One can master time by prioritizing the wellbeing of people (self/others) and welcoming moments of gratitude.  I think that’s the secret!

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