Thursday, April 19, 2012

Another 90 Days?

 I can't believe it!  It was time to update my Central American Visa again!  I have been here almost six months already.  Damian flew down to meet me in Nicaragua and we spent a quick week enjoying the country's highlights. 

Granada by Night
In Granada, we stayed at Hotel con Corazon.  It was beautiful and 100% of their profit goes to educating Nicaraguans.  Check it out!

I love Central America's bright walls!
Damian and I spent three nights in Granada.  We delighted in the colonial city's delicious cuisine and fascinating art scene.  They close the pictured street both day and night.  It was a blast!
The Dixie Chick song "Wide Open Spaces" describes Nicaragua quite well.  There is a lot of land occupied by very few people.  In contrast, El Salvador is the smallest country and has the biggest population of the Central American countries.

Our view of Isla Ometepe's Volcánes Concepción y Maderas from the fishing boat we hopped to cross Lago Nicaragua. 

We spent a day exploring the island on our bikes.  We found hot springs but spent more time on our guest house's beach.  What a life?

After two nights on Isla Ometepe we were ready for more civilization and food variety.  On our way to the Pacific Ocean, I crossed the Costa Rican boarder and re-entered Nicaragua so quickly that Damian wasn't able to finish his bottle of 600 mL bottle of Gatorade while waiting for me.

We the headed to the small surf village, San Juan del Sur.  The town itself felt like one in Southern California as most people were speaking English.  Above is Playa Maderas (surf heaven) about 10K outside town.  Our family-friend Chaz Jordan pointed us in that direction as he owns a house out there.  The beach was beautiful with big waves and few people.

While Damian graded papers on the beach, I explored the land.  Love it!

I'm thankful for my time in Nicaragua and with Damian.  We shared valuable conversations and belly laughs, as always.

1 comment:

  1. Molly - I LOVE these pictures. i think the "bright walls" is my fav of this bunch.
