Monday, April 2, 2012

Palm Sunday in Suchitoto

Palm Sunday in Suchitoto is quite lively!  Before mass, we met at a park near the town entrance, processed through the cobblestone streets and ultimately arrived at the only Catholic church in town.  A life-size statue of Jesus on a real donkey lead the procession!  We sang the whole way and with fireworks accompanying.
Go big or go home...No one carried a single, wimpy palm like we receive on Palm Sunday in the states.  Everyone carried bouquets of palms, many decorated with flowers.

I just love old people here!

Eva, Rosa (my roommate), and Currin.  Currin's face is a testament to Rosa's direct and comical personality.

Our destination, Santa Lucia is the focal point of town.  This photo captures part of our Plaza Central.

People packed the church.  We stood shoulder to shoulder.  Needing air, I weaved to this side door where I sat with the people in this picture.
This man was sitting across the street from me.  He needed a breather too.

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