Saturday, May 19, 2012

Discouraging Encouragement

Throughout the past seven months, my mindset has shifted.  I believe I was disillusioned when I arrived.  I believed I could do anything, create a class, develop a program, encourage a community, and I would make an impact. 

I’ve grown discouraged.   Too often people don’t show up to class because they need to work in the field or go to town to buy food or care for family members.  

I’m reminded that daily life here is very much about survival.  It seems less crucial to show up for school when your parents can’t read or write.  It is less essential to show up for a health workshop when there is no immediate result.  Yes, my classes are important and assist people in “developing necessary life-skills” but how important, today?

My friend Vince Prietto reminded me,  “Service is in relationships.” 

That is it!  Instead of sulking in complete discouragement and struggling to find meaning, I’m more motivated than ever.  Now I strive to leave the office, organized lesson plans, and research.  I'm motivated to simply sit with my Salvadoran friends and neighbors. 

I have changed my mindset.  Maybe “making an impact” is simply welcoming others to impact my life.   Through these relationships, we will serve each other.

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