Monday, May 28, 2012

Faith in the Innovative Spirit

Recently, I listened to a TedTalk by a man named Philippe Petit.  

Petit’s life as a unique tightrope walker is described in the documentary film Man on Wire. Throughout the years he has illegally planned and carried out tightrope walks across the Notre Dame Cathedral, Sydney Harbor Bridge, Louisiana Super Dome, World Trade Center, and many more.

Petit credited his incredible life to innovation and faith. 

Innovation.  We always have options.  There is always a variety of ways to creatively overcome obstacles.  Sometimes when staring at a difficult problem, creative options don’t seem available, like when Petit’s plan was discovered and authorities moved to prevent him from carrying out his tight roping dream.  At that point, he analyzed the barrier, reviewed his overarching vision, and generated a new plan.

Faith.  Petit believed he could achieve each mission throughout the planning process and while executing the plan.  Most critically, each first step on the wire was confident and faithful.

Sunday, we celebrated Pentecost in Suchitoto.  This holiday is known as the birthday of the Church.  We remember the day Jesus’ disciples met after His death and the way the Holy Spirit breathed through each individual, giving them the ability to speak in a variety of languages and to share the Word.

One of the Holy Spirit’s strengths is innovation.  I see the Holy Spirit’s breath swirling within each individual and throughout each relationship.  She generates creativity and resilience, as she did in the early Church’s mission.  I hope to cultivate my faith in Her, to invite and acknowledge Her strength within my life.  With faith in the innovative Spirit, all is possible, even walking a tightrope across the Sydney Harbor Bridge.

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