Thursday, November 3, 2011


Thanks for checking in! I am extremely excited to return to El Salvador and to begin my journey here.  I chose this country because Salvadorians cultivate a strong sense of community and faith in life's beauty.  They are also motivated to organize themselves in ways that open the minds and hearts of others.  Their actions are founded on hope and love for humanity.

I chose the title Inviting a Sense of Wonder because the phrase asks for one to open herself emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually to fresh ways of interacting with the world.

I'm currently staying with my friend, Heidi Kallen, in San Salvador and will meet with Sister Peggy on Friday morning.  She and I will drive to Suchitoto at that point and discuss my possible role at Centro Arte Para La Paz ( in more detail.

So here I am excited, nervous, vulnerable, curious, strong, and faithful.

I love you all and am thankful for your unique presence in my life!


  1. Molly,
    It is so great to hear you are in El Salvador and following your heart and your dream. I look forward to reading about your travels and adventures. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. I'm so excited for you, Molly! And miss the heck out ya', Sister!! Be great down there and soak it ALL in!

  3. Molly - we're following you...don't look back :-)
