Saturday, November 5, 2011


Oh, Suchitoto!  What are beautful little town?!  Today we are preparing for a harp, guitar, flute concert in the old chapel.  I loved waking to the birds this morning!  Sister Peggy told me that they left the country during the war but have since returned.  Amazing, animal instincts. 

This town is so sweet with its little plazas, cobblestone streets, and children playing at all hours in the open areas.  Everyone seems joyful and they greet each other with smiles.  I love seeing the elderly out and about laughing with the kids.  Why don't we see our elderly out and about in such joyful moods in the US? 

Today, we are hosting a harp, guitar, flute, vocal concert at the Center.  The students have been preparing for months with local teachers and classes they have taken with foreigners over skype, here at the center.  The people who have funded to program are in town and the concert is primarily for them.  Fr. Martin, I've been spending time with Wendy who built the harps and has been teaching the students over skype.  It reminds me of the work you do with the students on the mountain dulcimers. 

Throughout this week, I'll participate in a variety of classes to a feel of the place before I begin my work.  How fun?!

Last night Peggy and I went to dinner with two other volunteers and Rosa and Ava who are locals (both 31 year old teachers and best friends).  They have known Peggy since they were 10 and it looks like I'll move in with Ava when one of the volunteers moves out (just over a week I think).

Loves to All!

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