Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Lovelies!

I am overwhelmed with gratitude! This morning, I’ve been focusing on the many people who have influenced, guided, touched, inspired, and loved me throughout the years.  I appreciate the strikingly brilliant and subtle moments of grace that I’ve shared with my friends and family throughout the years.   I’m grateful to each one of you for the unique relationships we share or have shared.  Everyone has transformed me in one way or another.  I’m thankful for rich conversations, painful laughter, simple bits of silence, expressed and non-expressed love, colorfully understood differences, and overwhelming amounts of support.

As I reflect on my life, my whole body is overwhelmed with joy and my spirit reaches out and up with a heartfelt thanks to each person who has touched my life in one way or another. 

I am deeply blessed.  Thank You.

Thanksgiving at Centro Arte Para La Paz!  It's 85 Degrees!

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